

Mission Statement

We at the Hoboken Rocky Horror Picture Show aim to create a version of the show which maintains the spirit of the original cult classic while keeping relevant to a modern context. Historically, the show walks the line between sensitivity and free expression.  While we understand the importance of respecting the people around you in public spaces, we also believe in the importance of unbounded spaces where people can explore all of their weird weirdness and express their inappropriate thoughts and feelings in a healthy way. 

This show is meant as a satire. We hope to foster an environment of self-awareness and love, and build a community that’s in on the joke; not attract people who will exploit it to be hateful.


We believe people doing the wrong things are not usually bad people, but people who don’t know any better. If someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, start by verbally letting them know. Think of what you’re going to say if you’re uncomfortable before you go out and not when you’re heated. Starting with a simple “you’re making me uncomfortable” could stop a situation from getting out of hand. If someone is not being responsive to clear, verbal communication let a staff member know immediately.

Hate Speech

There is currently a lot of debate over when and where certain things can and cannot be said. The Rocky Horror Picture Show finds its roots punk culture, and to honor that we have a 100% free speech policy. We want our space to be a place where people can feel free to say whatever the fuck they want.

However, there is a huge difference between humor and hate speech, so we want to make it clear that if you’re using our show as a place to express your hate, we will ask you to leave immediately.

How to identify a hater:

  • Someone is targeting exclusively one group specifically

  • Someone is targeting an individual

  • Someone is only participating in jokes targeting one group in particular

 If you think you see someone acting inappropriately, report it to a staff member immediately!



Everyone has full right to not be touched without consent. Verbal consent is mandatory in all situations. If you touch someone without their consent, we will ask you to leave immediately. Everyone always has this right, whether it be yourself, another audience member, or a cast member.

Report creepers to staff immediately. We must work together to create safer spaces. If you get groped at an event, please tell someone. You are not being dramatic. Regardless of your personal tolerance level for physical touch, there are other people at the event whose night may be ruined by unwanted touch. It’s everyone’s social responsibility to keep each other safe.

Banned props list

We know that traditionally, the audience dresses up and brings props for the show. We encourage people to participate in the show and show up in whatever wacky outfits they want, however, we need to respect both our actors and the lovely movie theater that hosts us. In order to do that, we ask you do not bring any food items or items that cause a large mess.

If you want to make sure you’re not using banned props, we have goodie bags available for purchase at our merch table, or if you plan to bring your own props from home, make sure to read the banned props list:

  • No toast

  • No rice

  • No confetti

  • No water guns

  • No lighters